How to center your Blogger blog image slide bar pictures gadgets text headings and more


How to center your Blogger header image, blog post images, sidebar pictures, gadgets, text, headings, and anything else? I've put together a reference list for you below that explains how to properly center the various items on Blogger without having to use deprecated methods.

Centering elements on Blogger

To center the various elements on your Blogger blog  may differ depending on the code used by your template. Replace the selector below with the correct one for your template after double-checking the class or id., and replace the selector below with the correct one for your template.

First of all Backup yout Template

How to Centre Header Image/Logo on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

#header-inner img {width: 900px; margin: 0 auto;} #header-inner {text-align: center;}

How to Center Menu Bar Pages on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

.PageList {text-align:center !important;} .PageList li {float:none !important; display:inline !important;}

How to  Centre Post Title on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML, .post-title { text-align: center; }

In some template maby need to add:
.date-header { text-align:center;  }

How to Centre Post Date on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

.date-header {text-align:center;}

.post-title.entry-title {text-align:center;}

How to Centre Navigation Menu Items/Tabs on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML.

.tabs-inner .widget ul { text-align: center;} .tabs .widget li, .tabs .widget li {display: inline-block; float: none;}

How to Centre Page List Items/Tabs on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML.

.PageList {text-align:center !important;} .PageList li {display:inline !important; float:none !important;}

How to Centre Sidebar Gadget/Widget Titles on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML.

.sidebar .widget h2, .title {text-align:center;}

How to Centre Blog Post Images on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML.

.post-body img {margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; }

How to Centre The Archive Widget/Gadget List on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

 #ArchiveList ul {text-align:center;}

How to Centre Sidebar Items and Gadgets on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

 #sidebar-left-1 {text-align:center;}

How to Centre Heading Tags in Posts on Blogger

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML
.post-body h2, 
.post-body h3, 
.post-body h4, 
.post-body h5, 
.post-body h6 {text-align:center;}

How to Centre slider bar widgets

Add the following code above </b:skin> to Template > Edit HTML

#HTMLXX {margin-left: -17px; margin-top: 10px;}

XX is your widget nuber

Center your Tabs in Blogger:

.PageList {text-align:center !important;}
.PageList li {display:inline !important; float:none !important;}

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